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Bregret: Meaning, Origin, and Examples


Bregret: Meaning, Origin, and Examples


Bregret is a term used to describe the feeling of regret or remorse felt by those who voted in favor of Brexit. The term is a combination of the words "Brexit" and "regret."

Bregret is often used to describe a feeling of disillusionment with the Brexit process, particularly when the reality of the consequences of leaving the European Union becomes apparent. Those who experience bregret may feel that they were misled or that they did not fully understand the implications of their vote.

Bregret is a common phenomenon among UK citizens, particularly those who voted in favor of leaving the EU. It is often cited as evidence of the need for a second referendum or a reassessment of the decision to leave the EU.


The term "bregret" became popular in the aftermath of the Brexit referendum in 2016. The UK voted to leave the European Union by a narrow margin, with 52% of voters in favor of leaving and 48% in favor of remaining.

In the weeks and months following the referendum, there were reports of some voters expressing regret about their decision. Many voters claimed that they had been misled or had not fully understood the implications of leaving the EU.

The term "bregret" quickly gained popularity as a way to describe this phenomenon. It was used by journalists, politicians, and social media users to describe the feelings of regret or disillusionment expressed by some voters.


Bregret is a common phenomenon among UK citizens who voted in favor of leaving the EU. Here are a few examples of bregret:

  • Economic Consequences: Some voters who supported Brexit have expressed regret after seeing the economic consequences of leaving the EU. The UK's economy has suffered since the Brexit vote, with reduced growth, a weaker currency, and decreased investment.

  • Immigration: Some voters who supported Brexit may have done so because they believed that leaving the EU would lead to reduced immigration. However, after the Brexit vote, it became clear that reducing immigration may not be as simple as leaving the EU. Some voters have expressed regret after realizing that the issue of immigration is more complicated than they had previously thought.

  • Scottish Independence: Some Scottish voters who supported Brexit have expressed regret after seeing the impact that leaving the EU will have on Scotland. Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU, and some Scottish voters have expressed regret that the UK's decision to leave the EU may lead to another independence referendum.

Overall, bregret is a common phenomenon among UK citizens who supported Brexit. It is often cited as evidence of the need for a reassessment of the decision to leave the EU, and many politicians and activists have called for a second referendum.

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