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Brexit: Meaning, Origin, and Examples


Brexit: Meaning, Origin, and Examples


Brexit is a term used to describe the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union (EU). The term "Brexit" is a combination of the words "British" and "exit." The withdrawal process began on March 29, 2017, and was completed on January 31, 2020. Brexit has significant economic, political, and social implications for both the United Kingdom and the European Union.

The decision to leave the European Union was made after a referendum in 2016, where the majority of UK citizens voted in favor of leaving the EU. The negotiations for the withdrawal agreement and the future relationship between the UK and the EU were complex and took several years to finalize.

Brexit has led to a significant change in the relationship between the UK and the EU, affecting trade, immigration, security, and many other areas.


The origins of Brexit can be traced back to the 1957 Treaty of Rome, which established the European Economic Community (EEC), the predecessor to the EU. The UK did not join the EEC until 1973, and its membership has been a topic of debate ever since.

In 2013, then-UK Prime Minister David Cameron promised to hold a referendum on the UK's membership in the EU if his party won the next election. The referendum was held on June 23, 2016, and the majority of UK citizens voted in favor of leaving the EU.

The UK formally triggered the withdrawal process by invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty on March 29, 2017. Negotiations for the withdrawal agreement and the future relationship between the UK and the EU took several years, and the process was often contentious and complicated.

The UK officially left the EU on January 31, 2020, after a transition period during which the UK continued to follow EU rules and regulations.


Brexit has significant implications for the UK and the EU, and its impact is felt in many areas. Here are a few examples:

  • Trade: Brexit has led to significant changes in trade between the UK and the EU. The UK and the EU have negotiated a trade agreement that sets out the terms of their future relationship, but there are still many issues to be resolved, including customs checks, tariffs, and regulatory alignment.

  • Immigration: Brexit has also led to changes in immigration policies. The UK has introduced a new points-based system for immigration, which gives priority to skilled workers and reduces the number of low-skilled workers who can enter the country.

  • Security: Brexit has also had implications for security cooperation between the UK and the EU. The UK was previously a member of the EU's law enforcement and intelligence-sharing agencies, but it has now left these organizations. New agreements need to be negotiated to ensure continued cooperation in areas such as counter-terrorism and organized crime.

Overall, Brexit has significant implications for the UK and the EU, and its impact is still being felt. The UK's departure from the EU has led to significant changes in trade, immigration, and security policies, and the full effects of these changes may not be known for some time.

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